Saturday, January 16, 2010

Regrets, Pits, and Learning to Become Someone's Trashman

Who am I suppose to be? Why can’t I ever be satisfied or content with the now? I love grace and mercy, but I hate feeling like a victim and that nothing will ever be good. I’ve messed up and gone too far and will never be perceived anything more than I am now? My life defined at 28 and its definition is a royal ‘f’n’ mess. Pain causer should be my occupation. The ‘Punisher’ comes to mind.

Self-pity has no cure it seems and yet I want no one to know, but say it anyway. Negative attention is still attention I guess even if it does make you feel shameful. I want to be a good man, a Christian man. I want to live life abundantly and never be worried about comfort. I want to enjoy a cold beer with friends and stop at 2 and not worry about what everyone is thinking. I want to be everything to everyone; whatever they need me to be. A chameleon comes to mind. I want a woman who leaves no doubt in my mind. No doubt that from the moment God created the Heavens and the Earth he picked this woman for me. To complete my journey and vice versa for hers; I want to feel happy, truly, unabashedly happy. A ‘Fairy Tale’ is only a substitute for the pathetic.

I have a ton of negative experiences with drinking, partying, girls, but I have a ton of fun experiences as well. Stories that roll off the tongue and make people laugh. Stories that when I think back on, make me smile; how am I suppose to approach these memories? Am I supposed to be ashamed of only the ones I regret or be regretful of all them because I was in darkness then? I am still trying to figure that out. Whatever feeling you have whether it is sadness or happiness it is tripled under the influence and enough to make me you feel good even when it’s bad.

Is God telling me to forget my past even the sins that make me smile or is he saying that who you were then and who you are now are two completely different people. You can’t feel shame for a different person can you? I think in trying to like everything so I could be a friend to everyone I lost whoever I was or who I was suppose to even be. God is love, Jesus is salvation, Satan is evil, Carth is dead. I’m not living and the opposite of life is death. I’m alive in the biological sense, but nothing is in my tank. I suck on whatever I can to get through the day, books, movies, writing, day dreaming; I’m a hero and someone everyone is proud to know in my made up world; women, beer, drugs, gossip, sex, are just vices to get through the next the week. Vampires sucking blood come to mind.

We are all unhappy so we infect everyone who may look happy because that’s a threat and an insult. It shows us how we are failures and the wrong turns we’ve made have been bad, but we’ll keep telling everyone we’d do it the same way until we almost believe it ourselves. If we can’t be happy then no one can, so we infect them the best we can and if that doesn’t work, then infect someone else to gang up on the happy ones. The living dead come to mind. You know the ones who are happily married and can pass back ground checks and have no fatal illnesses, whose kids aren’t on drugs or having sex; what ever we see missing in our lives ticks us off when we see others who seem to have it.

The truth is no one has it all figured out and we all have problems and can never truly completely relate, but that same ability in our spirits that steers us off the road is also the same spirit capable of steering right back onto the track.

We can’t look for hang ups in other people to make ourselves feel better because all we are doing is being miserable in someone else’s perceived misery. Here you add the two negatives, not multiply. There is no positive. You’re just sinking down farther. There is no bottom in a bottomless pit. Instead of pulling people down with us we need to find how to relate with everyone and how we can pull ourselves out of our own self made chaos. Because if we out then we are apt to help others get out; and we all need help. There’s a starting point. God, I need help. I can’t do this on my own. I’m tired of feeling this way. Please take away my baggage and throw it completely away. Help me to help others; to be their trash man.

The Soul’s Life Sentence by C.A. Boyd

Another morning has come too soon,

my eyes aren’t adjusted, nor my heart.

I can’t find the reasons, the whys to walk out my door,

the pain is too much, too dull for me to take part.

The pressure of living has surpassed my threshold,

there is nothing that stimulates or encourages my soul.

The world’s road has left me numb, unable to feel.

the shine of my diamond transformed back into coal.

Sadness is my only friend and weariness my companion,

I look up to the sky and ask God for an answer.

Silence the response but yet I ask on,

I already know my misery is my own problem, my own cancer.

It seems that my heart’s content is only a fable,

there is no end in sight to my soul’s despair.

I’ve worked, I’ve pleaded, but nothingness is it,

maybe one day I’ll escape from this self made electric chair.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Is there Such a Thing as a Real Man?

What is a real man?

What is my true identity?

I never have been able to answer these questions and the first one has taken on so many answers that I begin to question if there even is a correct way to answer.

I’ve been reading this book by John Eldredge, ‘Wild at Heart’. In the book Eldredge is attempting to say that men have basically been emasculated in today’s society, especially Christian men. I can sympathize with many of the men he talks about in his book and like any good read, there is subject matter he brings up that I’m not sure I entirely agree with. Needless to say it is very engrossing and I’m enjoying the journey quite a bit. I’ve always pictured ‘real man’ like the movies show them to be. Rough, rugged, heart of gold on the inside, but could kill a bad guy in a split second if he had too. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe…these are just a few of the names that come to mind, but they are actors playing characters. It is really the characters they portray that we want to be; and I’ve always managed to day dream myself into one those scenes as the good guy.

I can’t really say why, but I love Batman and when it comes to super heroes; he’s been my guy. Ever since I was a little kid reading my cousins’ comic books all the way up to the Dark Knight, I’ve been fascinated by the character. My buddies and I even got into drunken debate in college who kick whose ‘you know what’, Batman vs. Spider-Man. My two hippie friends were vehemently explaining to me and my buddy how it wasn’t even debate because Batman had no superpowers. But I think that was part of his appeal to me. With some flight of the imagination he was real guy and could afford those awesome gadgets because he also happened to be a billionaire, which kind of takes the ‘real’ out of it, but none the less I was intrigued by the Dark Knight. He wasn’t happy go lucky; he seemed like a tortured soul doing something not because he ‘loved’ it or because he had to, but because of some kind of internal force to fill a need or emptiness deep inside of him and you just go the feeling that in his own mind he never thought he’d fill that void; that he’d never be able to live what people call a ‘happy life’. I’m speculating obviously, but I can relate to that because I feel the same way.

There has been this huge void and I don’t like what I’ve been doing job wise or where my current status in life is. It’s hard for me to picture ever being truly happy and content with life. So back to my original thought, a real man; what is a real man? Ask 100 different people and you’ll get no two answers the same. You’ll get similarities, but all will have their own spin on what qualifies as a real answer.

In college I wanted to be a real man, but I had no idea what that was. I played the role for whatever social group I was around. Sometimes I was the small town country boy with a southern twang who believed in God, Guns, and saying yes ma’m or no sir. Other times I was the guy at the party who could drink 30 or 40 beers and still be standing at the end of the night when everyone else was dropping like flies. Or I was the church going, scripture quoting ‘nice guy’ with a nonjudgmental heart and an open mind. I was the movie buff or the history guy. I was literally being a different person in different groups and truly never realized it. With all those masks you lose your real face and with it, the actual part of your true identity. I was all those things and I was none of those things. That sounds like I’m trying to be deep, but in reality all those identities were apart of me, but I just took it up to the 10000th degree and exaggerated to a point where it was hard to get back to the surface. I was actor without a part.

A real man; well to be honest I have some examples. My Dad for one; he married my mom when I was four and had no problems taking on a kid who wasn’t his own blood. And this kid had no problems taking his name. Truth is I didn’t know my real Dad. I knew him, but not the way a son should know his father. I wasn’t deprived of having a father either, because of good man deciding it didn’t matter if ‘she had a kid’.

I’d like to say it doesn’t bother me at all, but then at the same time I want to say it’s a mortal wound not ever knowing my biological father the way I should. I guess that’s an attention grabber in me for pity. I have to force myself to think about the sperm donor if I want to remember during the day that I’m his son.

I wonder does he think about me ever.

Does he blame me for the distance in our relationship?

He quit calling after 8th grade. But for whatever reason the Dad ‘bug’ hit him when I was 14 and he called a every two weeks. Believe it or not I loved it. I had no animosity toward him like you see in the movies and on TV with some kids. I’d go over there on Thursday night and spend the night. We’d rent two movies and watch football. I can’t tell you why, but it always felt good like a mini-vacation. I remember watching Star Trek at like 3 in the morning. The original Star Trek, which lets be honest it’s the best one in the series. One of his ‘drinking’ buddies was a huge Trekkie and we just sat there and watched Captain Kirk and Spock fight aliens or get it on with green chicks. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was always dirty at his house though.

I hated taking a shower there because the water temperature would never get warm until after I spent a bone chilling 10 minutes in ice cold water and the towels always had a funny smell that would stay on your body well into the day. I slept on the couch in the TV room and did my best not let my hand find its way between the baby blue sofa because there was a good chance some kind of sticky mixture of peanut butter, melted candy bars, bubble gum, with a nice glob of hair would attach itself to my body. It was hideous and for me it meant a sprint to the bathroom and healthy scrubbing of dial to remove the alien like substance from my skin.

I even remember seeing a snake in the back yard one time, which looked like a jungle do to the fact it hadn’t been mowed sense they moved in and Dad came out with his Budweiser in hand and poured that can of beer down the snake hole as the serpent retreated from us. I thought that was the coolest thing ever, a drunken snake; I pictured the one from Disney’s Robin Hood. That’s what a 10 year old pictures in his head when he pictures a highly intoxicated serpent. I was very mature for my age. I told all my friends that story and for whatever reason it sticks out in my mind today. I guess the point is I enjoyed myself over at his place, sticky gunk in the couch and all. I loved going to visit him and my step mom and baby sisters.

So why did he stop calling?

Did he not enjoy it or just not as much as I did. I would have gone there anytime he called, but he didn’t call anymore. He missed out on all the big things in a young boy’s life and then for 4 months when I was fourteen years old something moved him to call like clock work every 2 weeks and then he stopped. I don’t think I hold any ill wills toward the man and I always tried to be respectful not to call my step dad ‘Dad’ in his presence. Some would say that he may have deserved for me to do that to him, but I’m not so sure it would have mattered; but to me I owed him that much.

No matter what happens in my life I have a blood line with him. I dropped his name and took the one of the man who took the job of being true Dad and to me that was enough. If I saw him tomorrow I’d call him Dad not for any other reason than that’s what he is and that’s how I know him. I’d feel weird calling him by his first name just as I’d feel weird calling my step dad anything other than ‘Dad’.

So what is a real man? I don’t know the answer yet, but I’m hoping that God will bless me through all this experience so I can help my sons if I’m blessed with any to make the journey on the right path. Lord knows I’ve taken plenty of wrong turns and dead end streets that I might be able to help them a little better than I did myself. Hopefully they won’t have my character flaws.

Our Choices in LIfe is like a Roadmap of Our Souls

I ran into an old friend not too long ago and he asked how I’d been holding up. I’ve had a very rough year to say the least, but I told my friend this, “not to sound hokey, but I’ve been praying and reading the Bible”; I guess I felt the need to preface my faith and my resurgence back to God with ‘hokey’. I was worried how my faith might make his view of me. I felt ashamed for that, but I realized I was trying not to offend anyone while still being able to say that I’m a believer.

If I had been really honest with my friend, I would have said I pray almost all the time and I pray for mercy, lots and lots of MERCY. I read the scripture and God talks to me through his Holy Word and sends the Holy Spirit to comfort me when I feel like I’m about to break down. I’ve been ungrateful person in many ways and I’m finally coming to that realization.

Truth be told I wanted to hug my old friend who I had partied with on numerous occasions in college and tell him that God loves him, but I guess I’m not up to that stage of courage yet. Baby steps Carth.

I remember sitting on the outside deck of the Commons Apartments with this old friend and another buddy one night during my freshman year at UK. It was late and the city of Lexington seemed small because that bright neon blue 5/3 Bank Building looked like it was an air traffic control tower. If you ever got lost on the outskirts of Lexington and needed to get back to campus, just point your nose to that Kentucky blue beacon and it will guide you home.

I remember sitting there most likely drinking a steely tasting can of beer and some how the topic of religion came up. I assumed everyone believed the way I did about everything until I got to college and realized how oh so wrong I was. But on this particular night it was early into my naiveness of the world and I just assumed my buddies were Christian like me; I mean wasn’t everybody, not that I was exactly leading Christian type life.

I can’t remember what I said, but I do think I made an uninformed statement that sounded something like Islam seems to be so violent and seem to teach violence and Christianity is nothing like that. Before I could even finish my statement they both called b.s. on my ill advised argument and brought up the crusades.

I can’t remember the rest of the conversation only that I passively agreed the rest of the night and let them go on like I was in agreement with them in some way. I was caught with my pants down and had no way to offer any informed statement on what I believed. But I knew the crusades were not Jesus Christ’s fault.

Truth is, Jesus’ name has been misused so many times over the last thousand years, but if you truly look at Jesus he doesn’t teach what some people do in his name. David Koresh, Jim Jones, the God Hates Faggots Organization, people who attack abortion clinics or gays, etc.; none of that stuff is ordered in the Bible. The Bible doesn’t teach that, but so many people use it for their own personal vices. Matter of fact the Bible warns about false prophets and people coming in Jesus’ name who are not who they claim to be. Just because these people exist doesn’t take away from the heart of the Bible or the heart of Jesus’ message. We are all broken trying to find our way in this world. However you can disagree with abortion and homosexuality without resorting to what some people do. You can have these view points and not be ignorant or violent or uncaring.

I didn’t read anywhere in the New Testament where it condones preaching God Hates Faggots and giving a countdown on a website of how many days Matthew Shepard’s been in Hell. It actually makes me sick to my stomach when I see these people and the hate they spew. I want to yell and say have you people actually read you’re Bibles. Jesus hung out with the people you guys want nothing to do with. These types of people and organizations bring much more damage to Jesus than help and I wonder how a preacher can preach the word of God and encourage anything that spews hate.

Truth of the matter is I’ve been on both sides of the argument, but not in ways people may think. I’ve argued with Christians that picking homosexuality as a sin worse than other sins has no bearing with God. Many of these same Christians who have pre-marital sex with multiple partners, get drunk, do drugs, steal, treat their parents like crap, but they think being Gay is THE SIN. That is hypocrisy at its finest in my humble opinion. But on the flip side I find hypocrisy in people who call Christians or anyone that disagrees with that choice of lifestyle, a homophobe. They are no better than the other side and are actually acting like the people they claim to be ignorant.

There is no evidence to support homosexuality is biological and saying that doesn’t make me a bigot or a homophobe. Truth is, my opinion on the subject matter has evolved a great deal over the years from a person who called it a choice and didn’t want to be hit on to a person who sympathizes with the ones who are suffering because of real bigots. Let me make one thing clear I don’t think one day a homosexual woke up and said I think I’ll be gay today no more than a person wakes up says I think I’ll be straight today or I think I’ll be a Drug Dealer today or I think I’ll be a work-a-holic today or think I’ll neglect my kids today and watch TV, etc. The list goes on and on.

A homosexual comes to be that way just like any person comes to be the way they are by a series of events and choices in their lives that have shaped who they are. That makes people uneasy because then their world is drastically different and they have to have ownership of their own lives and the people they’ve become. It’s much easier to right it off as I was born that ‘way’ and to say ‘I had nothing to do with who I am’, and anyone who disagrees with that we’ll chalk up to simple bigotry.

I don’t think the argument that gays or people who say people are born gay have a sound argument when they simplify their argument by saying, ‘Do you think a person would choose this life? It’s so much easier to be straight’. Number one it dumbs down the significance of who they are and claim to be so proud of and it suggests that being straight is an easier lifestyle and in many regards less anxieties come with being straight obviously. But I also think the man of ambition who wanted to be a success and provide for his family and be the ‘cock of the walk’, but comes to a point in his life where his marriage is in shambles and his kids don’t even know him (cue the cats in the cradle song) and he can easily blame it on that’s who he is and how he was born. It’s a cop out and saying you were born gay is a cop out. I wasn’t born a Christian and I wasn’t born indecisive and I wasn’t born fat and I wasn’t born a football player. I became those things through a series of events in my life and choices I made. You trace choices back far enough you can pin point a great deal of things about your life.

A lot of guys today view females as instrument to meet their physical need. But were they born that way; did they only view females as sexual objects or fantasies, did they wake up one day choose to be that way? NO! It happened over the course of their lifetime and series of events led up to this point. Maybe the first time you chose to watch a bad movie or a skin-a-max flick and you knew it was wrong, but you liked this new sensation you felt and you could picture yourself in that dominating role of the woman. Then the next time becomes less of a big deal. It makes it easier to make other decisions and leads to sex with girls, but you’re not having sex with those girls; you’re having sex with the girls in the video and want the same reaction and feeling the dude in the movie appears to get. Then you go with another girl and another and maybe it leads to several, but the compromises you made 10, 15 years ago watching porn and choosing to continue to watch porn led to the shaping of what kind of person you are currently. With each choice and compromise and decision you shaped the personality of the person you’d become. First it was skin-max flicks then it was hardcore. It was progression that you didn’t even realize was happening. I don’t think the ‘drug dealer’ wakes up one day and says I chose this. But that first time he smoked pot and then took some Oxycontin and then realized he could make money and feed his habit along the ways. It’s a simplified explanation of the situation, but the argument is sound no matter how many people want to call you a bigot or insensitive because they can’t accept the truth.

Our environment and choices makes us who we are, sexuality and all. I also don’t feel me or anyone else have the right to tell someone they are going to Hell. The Bible backs me up on that tid bit as well. We as Christians can’t be willing to accept certain sins, but other ones we’ll make people wear a scarlet letter. Gays, straits, singles, married, divorced, workaholic, alcoholic, addict, virgin, promiscuous, etc, WE ARE ALL JUST TRYING TO FIND OUR WAY. Life is too short to live with judgment in your heart. And if you are truly trying to live according to Jesus then no one has that right to judge; we are to show God’s love and mercy and forgiveness through our actions.

Some how thinking about my friends and that talk we had so many years ago made me think about how uninformed I was on my own faith. I don’t want to be caught with my pants down ever again and I want to have sufficient intelligent arguments to counter back with using God’s word. I want to show his love and mercy for everyone. I want my friends to come to know his grace and compassion and feel the peace everyone is looking for and experience Jesus first hand because they are my friends. Hopefully I’ll have an opportunity to have a better reply than I did on that balcony in Lexington a decade ago.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Spider Salads and Dreams

Each day brings some kind of gloom in my life. I pray so hard that my teeth are sore from gritting. My stomach can’t handle being awake and my mind can’t handle thoughts. I’m wishing for some kind of time machine. Some way to reverse this pitiful thing called my life. But I wonder, if you could correct such misfortunes would this be life or some kind of dream where everything is at your control. Unfortunately, the spontaneity of life that makes it so much fun, the first time your hand touches the hand of a girl you like, the way your stomach feels when you go down a steep roller coaster, the way if feels when life is just plain good, is also what makes life so difficult or unbearable at times. When you made a mistake you never foresaw happening and prayed that you’d do anything to take it back, but it was done; getting caught cheating on a test, girlfriend dumping you over months of stubbornly refusing to change, losing the respect of people you care about in a matter of moments. Life is so unpredictable and yet we try to approach each day in a predictable manner.

We as people bore easy. We have too many options and yet we can never find the time to do anything. We watch old re-runs of Friends or CSI instead of doing something truly productive and rewarding with our time. We like to talk about what we ‘use to be’ or what we ‘are going to do in the future’. But many of us never complete what we set out to do. Many of us start, but few cross the finish the line. Along the way we run into distractions such as school, job, love, family, hobbies, etc. Some of us run into more positive detours like realizing we already have our dreams and don’t need to be chasing things we don’t need or really even want.

And that’s what it boils down to. What do we want out of our life? It’s the question or mystery that connects every person in the world and yet separates us in our own unique way. But why is it in a world where everything seems to be at your fingertips are more people finding it hard to find ‘what they want to do in their life’. Why is this simple question so incredibly complicated? For me, it’s the fear of making the wrong decision or the fear of failing and having to start over. The irony of my fear is that it keeps me idle or paralyzed from ever truly taking a step toward my purpose. It’s worse than being in a cave full of incredibly large, hairy spiders. I know in that situation I would be running, scrapping, clawing my way out of that cave with every bit of my might. So why doesn’t my fear of failure or making a wrong decision fuel me the way an arachnid filled cave would? Maybe I’d be paralyzed with fear in the cave too. I’d like to think not, but maybe rather than trying to change my situation and get out of the cave, my fear of one wrong step here or complete failure would result in a spider salad. Maybe my worst fears come true.

There is one thing I do know out of all this, if I stay in the cave then I have no shot of bettering my situation. Much like life because if I stay idle in my life than there is no shot of bettering it, whether it be job, love, family, dreams, etc. Get out of the cave. You may take a few wrong steps, but that only shows you what the right path is and just because you may not get out the first time, doesn’t mean you quit looking for the light. Find the light, find your path, and discover what you use to only be dreaming of.